
What is the plan for the future?

Has it become too much business as usual?

Does your company need a boost in business-critical areas?


HowToWin helps put the spotlight on the positive potentials and cut simultaneously to the bone where necessary – always with the aim at strengthening your company’s raison d’être (existence), profile and competitiveness.

We dare to ask the challenging questions that create the foundation for healthy, progressive development. With a smile and a highly professional approach we aim for the target, and we leave no one alone, before it is achieved.

Depending on business type, size, strategy and project scope, etc. we use different methods and models, including the Business Canvas Model, LEAN etc.

``It is an art to work with people. No leaders are alike. Only a 100% tailored approach paves the way for confidence and is ultimately crucial in getting the individual CEO, director or head of department completely into target.``
Kim Holst - CEO, HowToWin

Do you like to win over your competitors?

We certainly do, and we want to share our experiences

3 things that you, as a winner, should be tough at:
  1. Keeping focus

If you want to win, you must be good. To be good, you have to focus on what you want to be good at – and not everything else. You will not become good at tennis by playing guitar or roller skating, etc. That is why, you have to stay focused on the one activity, you want to be good at.

  1. Celebrating your successes

To keep motivation in a complicated situation, when it is difficult to keep up, or if the process drags on, you must celebrate the successes that occur on an ongoing basis. It maintains a sense of development, and that you have reached another step towards the target. However, it is important to only celebrate real success.

  1. Being critical

When someone like you conducts business and has to be competitive, it is like a long race. The one who comes first to the finishing line, wins. That is why, you must always be critical not to settle for a single success, but on the contrary, figure out how to conquer the next.

we believe in personal counselling

call +45 70 60 50 22, or send a message - and we will contact you

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