Business Development

What are your plans for the future?

Has it become too much business as usual?

Does your company need a boost in business-critical areas?


HowToWin helps put the spotlight on the positive potentials and simultaneously cut to the bone where necessary – always with the aim at strengthening your company’s raison d’être (existence), profile and competitiveness.

We dare to ask the challenging questions that create the foundation for healthy, progressive development. With a smile and a highly professional approach we aim for the target, and we leave no one alone, before it is achieved.

Depending on business type, size, strategy and project scope, etc. we use different methods and models, including the Business Canvas Model, LEAN etc.

It is an art to work with people. No leaders are alike. Only a 100% tailored approach paves the way for confidence and is ultimately crucial in getting the individual CEO, director or head of department completely into target.
Kim Holst - CEO, HowToWin